Wiyninger in the Reed-Custer Senior Spotlight for September

The Reed-Custer High School Senior Spotlight winner for the month of September is Tyler Wiyninger.
Tyler is the son of Dawn Kochan.
During his high school career, Tyler was involved in Concert Band, Pep Band, Marching Band, Solo and Ensemble, Fall Play, Musical Pit, Speech, Soccer, Track and Field, Math Team, Scholastic Bowl, Student Council, National Honor Society, Academic Challenge Team, and Comet Community Leaders (CCL). He was also a Student of the Month, a participant in the ICE Leadership Conference and was on the Honor Roll.
His future plans are to attend a 4-year university to obtain a degree in Mathematics.
Here are a few thoughts from Tyler’s teachers.
Mrs. Dennis says that Tyler is “mature beyond his years. He is patient and kind with others. He’s intelligent, hard-working, and is hilarious. He raises up those around him with positivity and helps them be their best!”
Mrs. McGarey is thankful that Tyler “joined Scholastic Bowl as a Freshman. He was REALLY quiet back then. With everything he participates in, I don't see him much but am very grateful that he has stuck with Scholastic Bowl for 3 years now...hopefully he will add a 4th.”
Mrs. Leveille had Tyler “as a freshman in our Honors Biology class. Tyler was a true leader in our class and was always ready to help others out. His positive attitude and sense of humor were always something to look forward to. He also participated on our Academic Challenge team last year. He is just an all-around nice person!”
Mrs. Lee thinks that Tyler is “a very hard-working, intelligent young man! He is a great role model to all students!”
Mrs. Benoit believes that Tyler is “the master at being self-motivated because he loves learning and wants to get the most out of it. What a great habit-building technique for accomplishing future goals! Tyler is happy to share his knowledge with others to bring up his classmates which creates a positive dynamic in the classroom (students helping students). He is a model student and will succeed in anything he sets his mind to!”
Mr. Gleixner appreciates that Tyler is “the type of kid you want your kids to grow up to be like. He is smart, outgoing, funny, and an all-around great kid. His charisma is a shining example for younger Comets, and you will not find a single person who does not admire Tyler.”
Mr. Newsom says “though I’ve only had Tyler as a student for the past 2 1⁄2 weeks, he is a very responsible and respectful young man, kind and considerate to other students and to staff.”
Ms. Chinski acknowledges that Tyler is “helpful, talented, and hilariously funny! He is dedicated to his commitments and always gives 100%.”
Miss Conley thinks that Tyler is “a kind and witty young man! Conversations with him are calm, cool, and collected, but always with humor tossed in the mix. It has been great to see him grow academically and as a person over the last few years, and I am excited to see where his path goes after high school! The world is his oyster!”
Mr. Welsh says that he has “always enjoyed my conversations with Tyler. He is someone young enough to offer me a fresh perspective and mature enough to consider multiple points of view.”
Mrs. Rankin thinks that Tyler is “a fantastic student. He’s intelligent, thoughtful, and has a great sense of humor. He raises the level of any class he’s in.”
As a final thought, Tylers’s advice to younger students is, “Do not be afraid of being afraid. It builds character.”
On behalf of the teachers and staff at RCHS, congratulations Tyler Wiyninger as the September winner of the Senior Spotlight.