RCHS yearbooks are in
The 2017 Comet Yearbooks have arrived at Reed-Custer High School.
Pre-ordered books will be made available for 2017 graduates in the high school office beginning on Thursday, Aug. 3. Only graduates will be able to pick up their books during this time.
All other books will be distributed once school begins during the lunch hours. Those who can’t remember if they purchased a book can check the yearbook's website at rcyearbook.weebly .com on the book orders page.
There is a limited number of extra books available to be purchased for $55 for those who did not preorder. These books will be offered to graduates only first and will be in the high school office on Aug. 3.
Extra books will be sold for $55. Books cannot be held. They will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Any remaining extra books will be offered to current students after all other books are distributed.